How to Make Instant Self Freezing Soda

How to Make Instant Soda Slurpees – Self Freezing Soda

Coolest tip ever! You can get instant freezing soda if you shake it up real good, put it into the freezer for 3 hours and 15 minutes precisely, and you got an instant Coca Cola slushy or slurpee, or an instant freezing soda of any kind. Stick around and we’ll show you how.

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How to Make Instant Soda Slurpies

What you need:
– a fully functional freezer
– the sodas of your choice (Coca Cola, Sprite, Seven Up, Dr. Pepper just to name a few)
– a timer

1. This experiment is prone to failure if you leave the bottles in the freezer for too long, so we suggest you use a timer to keep your bottles in the freezer for precisely 3 hours and 15 minutes.
2. DO NOT use bottles made out of glass because there is a risk they may explode. Use only plastic containers!

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Now this weird but cool situation may have happened to you: you put a soda in the freezer in order to cool it off fast, but completely forget about it. And when you take it out, it didn’t seem frozen, but when you open the bottle, it magically and instantly turns to ice.

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The whole process has a very fancy name, it is called Nucleation, and you can be your own little mad scientist, and try this at home, but respect the instructions, and DO NOT ignore the warnings.

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Steps to getting instant self freezing soda:

1. Take a bottle of soda and put it into a freezer.
2. The freezer should be set to a temperature of -24ºC (-11ºF)
3. Leave it in for 3 to 4 hours, but we strongly recommend you leave it in for 3 hours and 15 minutes for the best results. You don’t want the soda to freeze before you take it out.
4. If you have many frozen items in there, your soda will chill faster. And if you have less items, it will chill in a longer period of time.

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Hold the bottle in an upright position when you open it. Open the cap slowly, if you open it too fast, the nucleation process might start and the soda will freeze in the bottle within 2 minutes. When the soda self freezes, pour it in a cup. The consistency will be that of a Slurpee.

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The water in the soda is actually the one freezing, and if you remove it, you will get Coca Cola (or the soda of your choice) syrup. Just for even more awesome and cool fun, try to pour the supercooled soda into a regular clean bowl, or glass, it will just look like regular soda. Add some ice, and it will all magically and instantly freeze. COOL!

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Now remember, the bigger the bottle is, the longer you have to leave it in the freezer. If you try it with a 2 liter bottle, try leaving it between 4 and 5 hours.

Below you can see a couple of videos on how to make the instant freezing soda

Written with love and coolness by on June 27, 2013 in Cool Stuff
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