Largest Snowmen Ever Built

Largest Snowmen Ever Built

Meet Olympia, she’s the biggest snowman, or shall we say, snowwoman ever built. The record was set by Jim Mann and his crew at Mt. Mann Jewelers in 2008 in Bethel, Maine.  Olympia SnowWoman was  122 feet 1 inch (37.21 m) tall, and weighted 13,000,000 lbs. of snow…now that’s a lot of snow! The previous record was, surprisingly also set in Maine, but this time,  we’re talking about a snowman built back in  February 1999. Continue reading

Amazing Proofs that The Giants Populated Earth

Amazing Proofs that the Giants existed on Earth – read about these 5 amazing stories of giants who once lived on our planet.

We all heard the story of Gulliver, written by Jonathan Swift, and how he met the giants. But does this story indicates to a certain truth, or is just a children’s tale?

Check out the following proofs that the giants once lived on Earth and decide if it’s true or just a hoax. Continue reading

6 Most Awkward Places Where People Got Stuck

The most embarrassing places where people  ever got stuck – read about 6 awkward situations in which people got trapped.

Sometimes people do stupid actions in order to get in a certain place, escape or simply amuse themselves. But not all the times, they properly estimate the proportions, so they get awkwardly stuck.

Certain persons succeeded in getting jammed in the most awkward places ever. The following stories highlight the dumbest place people forced themselves inside in order to get what they want.

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Dumbest and Lamest Thieves in 2014

Lamest thieves and the most stupid robbers, caught stealing in 2014 – read the following 8 stories about the most imbecile burglars of the year 2014.

Nobody likes to be robbed, but many people want to take into possession things that belong to other people.

Some people are experts in stealing money or valuable objects, and never get caught. But some of them plan robberies that will leave you socked, by their stupidity.

Read about the following stories that will leave you speechless.

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10 Biggest And Most Impressive Eco or Recycled Sculptures

We give you a compilation of the 10 largest and most impressive Eco or Recycled statues and sculptures

Discover in the following pages 10 of the biggest monuments meant to stand out and raise awareness (not just through an imposing size) into bringing a positive change to our ecosystem.

Eco sculptures are usually built to make a statement and have an environmental impact.   Continue reading

Scariest and Largest Spider Webs

Most Terrific and Huge Spider-Webs in the World – read about these 3 amazing stories of the widest spider webs ever seen.

Most of the people are afraid of only a single spider. How would you feel to see the entire area covered with large spider-webs and arachnids crawling all over the place? The following stories present you the places where millions of tiny spiders decided to make a huge home.

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Newest UFO Sightings – 2014

Most recent UFO sightings stories (2014) – Read about 8 amazing stories of people who spotted UFOs in the year 2014.

There are millions of evidence of UFO sighting since the beginning of time. We even discovered that the first people on earth, painted in the caves, figures of objects that resembled UFOs. On the following, read from the newest to the oldest UFO stories from 2014.

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