The Bizarre Case of the Real “Ghost” Baby

The Weird Baby Born Without Blood in their Body – Read about the odd case of a baby born without blood and other two strange cases of babies born without bones or skin.

Let’s take a look at the incredible case of the “real ghost” baby:

The case of the “ghost” baby remembers us about the strange bloodless creatures from the movies, the vampires. However, there is no reason to panic because there are no such things. 

The “ghost” baby is a rare illness, and its name is fetal-maternal hemorrhage. This condition consists in the fact that the blood cells of the fetal are lost in the maternal circulations. They usually occur in normal pregnancies on a low rate, but also in cases of obstetric or trauma complications related to pregnancy. 


A recent case of “ghost” baby happened to a couple from Orange Country, California. The baby girl, Hope Juarez, was pale-white when she came into the world in January 2014.
The mother noticed the fetus movements were rare in the last weeks of pregnancy and went to the doctors for check up. She undertook an emergency Cesarian procedure to bring the baby. Soon after that, the baby received a blood transfusion and everyone hoped it would work. 


The fetal hemorrhages are normal after the baby is born. This time, the baby suffered of blood loss during the fetal stage. Hope Juarez lost about 80% of her blood before the birth. These cases are very rare, and the doctors are not able to find the reason behind this illness. 

Related: Babies Born during flight

Below you can view the video about the strange case of “ghost” baby:

1. Baby born without Bones

Janelly Martinez-Amador of Tennessee did not receive too many chances to survive when she was born. The little girl had no bones and the doctors were convinced she would survive only two or three days in this condition. Since she had no ribs to sustain breathing, or skull to protect her brain, Janelly had few chances to make it into this world. 


Janelly has a condition name severe hypophosphatasia. This disorder prevents the mineralization of the bones. 

However, after six years the girl is still alive thanks to the success of the drug treatment she received. She is smaller that the kids of her age and she looks like a toddler. The greatest part is the calcification of the bones in the right places of the body. 


Now, after all these years of treatment, Janelly can walk, move her hands, smile and dance. 

Watch below a video about the strange case of the boneless baby:

NEXT PAGE: Read about other strange cases of babies born with rare conditions.

2. New-Born without Skin

Another bizarre condition is the case of the Brody Curtis, a baby born without skin. After the labor, the doctors noticed the baby had a rare illness which is Bart’s Syndrome. The Bart’s Syndrome is common to children with abnormally thin skin. 


Because of this condition of the skin, the baby is often suffering of blisters or wounds that look like burns. This illness is Epidermolysis Bullosa, and there is no cure for it. All that can be done is to change the bandages and apply salve in order to prevent infections. 


Check below a video by the father of this baby about the evolution of baby Brody:

Written with love and coolness by on February 6, 2014 in Weird Stuff
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