Cool Idea – Talking Cigarette Packs

Cigarette Packs That Talk: Cool Idea To Stop Smoking

Would you quit smoking if your cigarette pack was talking to you? Someone seems to think so, cause they came up with a cool idea to stop smoking, or reduce it, with the aid of talking cigarette packs. How do they work? When can we buy them? Is this just a cool idea, or is it realistic? Find out all the answers, right here.

cigarette pack

A team of researchers from the University of Stirling in Scotland who who seem to think that if our cigarette packages would play a pre-recorded message at each opening, people would be more motivated to quit. Of course, these pre-recorded audios would present all of the downsides of smoking.

quit smoking

In the researchers’ view, the messages should be about the links between smoking and infertility, the high number of deaths in the smoking population, aaaand, they will even play back the number of a help-line where you can call to get help if you intend t quit.


So far, this cool project is just in the works, and it has been tested on a small lot of young girls, ages 16 to 24. The results were encouraging, with a very big quitting smoking rate. But, fear not, the second lot, is more diversified, containing male subjects, as well ad females, all aged 16 and over.


Also, to make things even more interesting, the talking cigarette packs could have cool messages from actor, or influential people. Just imagine how cool it would be if Angelina Jolie would ask you if you really want to have that smoke, or Gerald Butler asking you to not smoke this cigarette.

Stop Smoking

As we stated, the talking cigarette packs are still in the works, and they may be introduced sometime in 2014, if all goes well in this trial period.


But what if the whole project backfires, and the cigarette companies will make their own speaking cigarette packages, which will try to convince people to have another smoke? The battle between health and temptation would sure be bigger. What do you think of these cool talking cigarette packs? Would they convince you, or your loved ones that it is time to quit smoking?

Talking cigarette pack 1

Written with love and coolness by on July 3, 2013 in Cool Stuff
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