Funniest Group Halloween Costumes

Funny Halloween Costumes for groups – take a look at our list of the funniest and coolest costumes for 2 or more persons.

When you think about Halloween, you think about candies, pumpkins, but most of all, about costumes. Everyone wants to wear something original and cool, and mostly fun. It’s common to have a unique costume, but Halloween is also a fest for fun, so what is more enjoyable than wearing a group costume with your friends.

Usually, the groups or matching costumes are the sensations of the party. Check out the collection of funny group costumes we’ve gathered for you. Continue reading

Top 5 Weirdest Wrong Packages People Received

Top 5 Weirdest Wrong Packages People Received

Strangest Packages People Got Delivered – read about 5 of the weirdest shipments that have been delivered by mistake or not.

1. A slithering surprise in the mail

A woman from Illinois was stunned when opened the package she received via mail. She got a mail via FedEx, and when she opened the box, she got the surprise of her life.

She found in the box, the most exotic pet a person could wish for.

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Top 4 Biggest Bees and Hornets In The World

Top 4 – The largest hornets, bees, and bumblebees ever. Read about these 4 terrifying, yet spectacular biggest bees and wasps.

1. The Megachile pluto – the giant among bees

The biggest bee ever discovered is Megachile pluto. The popular naturalist, Alfred Russel Wallace did research on the animals and plants in the jungles of Indonesia. In 1859, he found an extremely rare species of bee. However, for the next 120 years, no one else spotted again the largest bee on Earth, and they believed it came extinct.

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Longest Wedding Dresses In The World

World’s Longest Bride Dresses Ever – take a look at the longest wedding dress that belong to the Chinese and other amazingly long dresses.

Jing Mei from China wanted to make an amazing entrance at her wedding, but she turned to be a sensation to the entire world.

1. The wedding dress that measures 4100 meters

Jing Mei wanted her wedding day to be special, but what she decided for this day became history. Her wedding dress has been no shorter than 2.5 miles. The dress is truly amazing.

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The Biggest Coin Treasures Discovered

Biggest coin treasures ever found buried in the ground – take a look at the roman treasures recently found and other 5 amazing coin treasure discoveries.

First let’s take a look at what any treasure hunter is dreaming about, and that is a huge coin treasure.

1. 20 000 Roman coins treasure

One of the biggest and most recent treasures ever found was located near Seaton, in East Devon. An amazing discovery has been succeeded by the enthusiast treasure hunter, Laurence Egerton. He is a builder and metal detector lover from East Devon who works under licence. His recent work was focused on the excavated site of a Roman villa at Honeyditches.  Continue reading

Most Amazing Rocky Wonders In The World

The most beautiful rock landscape in the world – read about these 3 amazing rock wonders. 

Take a look at the first wonder of the world, Shilin, the rock forest.

1. Shilin, The Rock Forest

This amazing rock forest is situated in China, near Shilin, at around 120 km from the provincial capital Kunming. The rocky formations resemble large and tall trees, and these rocks seem to grow taller each year.  Continue reading

Largest Jellyfish in the World

Biggest  Jellyfish on Earth caught on camera – and take a look at these 4 amazingly largest jellies

Read about the latest news about this enormous jellyfish from Cornwall

1. Cornwall’s Giant Jellyfish

The people from Britain spotted the other days, a huge barrel jellyfish swimming nonchalantly in a Cornish estuary.

The Cornwall Wildlife Trust officer was swimming with his dog when he caught on video the amazing creature.
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Amazing Records Of Men Covered With Bees

The amazing Men who won the record of being covered of incredible amounts of tiny stingy bees – read about 5 courageous men who were completely covered with bees

Let’s read about the newest story of a man covered with most bees ever.

1. The man who broke the world record for most bees covering a man

Gao Bingguo is a very brave man from China who dared to do what few people would do. Most of us are afraid of only one bee, but Gao dared to be covered with 326,000 bees.

The man is 54 years old and lives in Shandong Province. He says he worked and raised bees for over 34 years, and he is not afraid of these little powerful workers. Continue reading

Latest Ghost Appearances Around The World (2014)

2014 Latest news about ghosts appearances, paranormal appearing and strange after-life events from all over the world – 6 amazing stories about ghosts, spirits, specters and angel spirits. 

Take a look at the strange story of a ghost from the former maximum security prison Alcatraz.

1. The ghost from Alcatraz Prison

It’s said that the spirits of the merciless and worse criminals imprisoned here are still haunting the place. An American couple was visiting the building when they saw something unprecedented. The woman shot a photo of what it looks like a spirit. Continue reading

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